
Journey is an online church experience. A new service is posted on this site by the first Sunday of each month. Each service incorporates worship, teaching and communion. Journey is a ministry of:

Current Service

COMMUNION To participate in communion at the end of the service, just grab some grape juice or wine, and a piece of bread or cracker.

PRAYER REQUESTS To submit prayer requests, click on the link below to email us what you’d like us to be praying about for you. newhopedurango1@gmail.com

BAPTISM If you are interested in being baptized please click the link below to let us know and we can begin conversation with you about this important step in following Jesus. newhopedurango1@gmail.com

Worship at the Utah State Capital (click to go to Utah Missions page)

In Between – Devotional Content Between Monthly Services

Last Month’s Service

A great mid-month service (audio only) featuring worship from the New Hope Band and teaching by Pastor Dana from New Hope Days at the theater! A different service will be posted each month by the middle of the month.

Mid-October Service – It’s All In Your Mind 1
Mid-September Service – Miracles 4
Mid-August Service – Miracles 3