Utah Missions

The Need

Only 2% of the population of Utah attend an evangelical church. Utah County, (Provo / BYU area), is less than 1% Christian (0.49%). That’s lower than North Korea (4%) and Iraq (3%). Many U.S. churches and mission organizations send thousands of missionaries and millions of dollars to countries that have a higher percentage of Christians but do very little if anything to reach the unreached places in our own nation. While most cities in the U.S. have multiple churches of varying denominations and styles, there are still numerous cities in Utah without a single evangelical church. It’s not uncommon to find people in Utah who have never even met a “born again’ Christian. Utah leads the nation in online pornography sales and antidepressant use, and has at least eleven polygamist sects comprised of 60,000+ people.

The Activity

New Hope Durango / Journey Church and Pastor Dana have been active in Utah since 2017.
* Meeting with and encouraging Pastors throughout the state. * Participating in statewide strategic meetings to see churches planted and thrive. * Helping resource new churches and an inner-city international church with audio equipment, instruments, puppets and curriculum. * Speaking for a church over a few months for a pastor who needed a sabbatical. * Providing interim pastoral leadership for a church campus in a difficult transition. * Helping a church develop and provide ministry to their congregation through COVID days. * Leading worship (both Pastor Dana and Dayna) for multiple churches. * Assisting churches, pastors and ministry leaders in varying ways by helping with staff, leadership training, tech, and all areas of pastoral needs. * Speaking and leading worship at a church in southwest Wyoming. * Mentoring and coaching 2 worship leaders and preparing to help a third one. * Ongoing Sunday pulpit supply provided without any cost to Utah churches.

Notes from Utah Ministry Leaders

“Dana and Journey have been such a blessing to our church, as well as to me personally in my ministry. He came to Utah with a heart to serve and be where God would use him, and that’s exactly what he has done. He’s been a big help to us over the past few years in whatever capacity we’ve needed. He served as our interim campus pastor during a difficult transition time, and then he was able to fill the pulpit for me while I was on my sabbatical. That was such a blessing to know that would be taken care of and that our main campus would have good preaching by someone who loved them. I want to thank him, for being that servant that he has been to everyone.  Mark 9:35 says, “Anyone who would be first must be a servant of all.” That’s exactly what he has been.  He’s been a servant of all. Dana, and Journey, I appreciate you. You have been a blessing!”

“Dana is a humble and generous ministry partner who genuinely seeks out opportunities to serve the church. He’s creative, strategic, and fun to be around. He’s a great mentor with many years and experiences under his belt, and he offers insight in a kind and straightforward manner. If you have Dana on your team, you’re some of the luckiest people in ministry!”

“Dana & Dayna…. Thank you so very much. It was such a relief to be out of the country and confident that things would run smoothly.  We’ve been so blessed and encouraged by your heart for us as pastors, and people.  You truly are something special!”

“Thank you Journey/New Hope for sending Dana to Utah. I believe he brings a lot to the church multiplication movement: Courage to younger leaders, encouragement and strength to planters who are struggling, wisdom to the multiplication movement, the heart of a pastor to help shepherd young leaders, vision for what “could be” which ignites passion for greater multiplication, and availability that helps to deepen relationships between planters and pastors.”

“Dana, I am extremely thankful you are in Utah! As far as I am aware, Utah is the loneliest and most difficult place in America to plant a church. Your presence helps us provide the encouragement, support and wisdom new church planters so desperately need. Thanks again for saying “yes” to Utah!

“Dana, thank you so much for working with our team. Your generosity with microphones and other equipment, and willingness to serve anywhere that was needed was incredible and a huge gift to us.

Pictures – Worship at the Utah State Capital

Pastor Dana and MrsD
MrsD participating in worship

I just want to speak the name of Jesus over every heart and every mind. ‘Cause I know there is peace within your presence, I speak Jesus...”

I just wanna speak the name of Jesus ’til every dark addiction starts to break. Declaring there is hope and there is freedom I speak Jesus...”

I just want to speak the name of Jesus over fear and all anxiety. To every soul held captive by depression I speak Jesus…

‘Cause Your name is power, Your name is healing. Your name is life. Break every stronghold, shine through the shadows. Burn like the fire.

Shout Jesus from the mountains, Jesus in the streets. Jesus in the darkness over every enemy. Jesus for my family, I speak the holy name, Jesus.

I just wanna speak the name of Jesus. Over every heart and every mind. ‘Cause I know there is peace within Your presence. I speak Jesus.

Shout Jesus from the mountains, Jesus in the streets. Jesus in the darkness over every enemy. Jesus for my family, I speak the holy name, Jesus.” I Speak Jesus, as sung by Charity Gayle and Steven Musso.

Pictures – Churches and Ministries We’ve Been Working With

Helping lead worship at a Utah church
Strategic church planting statewide leadership meeting
Pastors we’ve brought prayer, encouragement, and counsel to in a polygamous community of Utah
Church we’ve helped out with encouragement and leading worship.
Pastors of a church plant that we have worked with.
Pastors we’ve worked with in worship
Pastors we’ve worked with extensively, and resourced with thousands of dollars of audio and video equipment for a new church that is making a major impact in their community.
A church plant we resourced with thousands of dollars of audio equipment, puppets, and curriculum.
A pastor we’ve resourced with thousands of dollars of audio equipment for an inner city ministry focused on international immigrants.
Leading worship with a leader we’re mentoring
Helping a church with tech experience
Helping another church with tech experience. We’ve also helped resource this church that is making a huge difference in Utah, with thousands of dollars’ worth of much needed audio equipment.
Utah gathering of over 100 pastors, for worship, prayer, fellowship, encouragement, and teaching. The majority of these pastors have planted new churches in Utah.
Helping a church lead worship for Christmas Eve.
Praying for pastors planting new churches in Utah!

New churches are being planted and God is on the move in Utah!