Journey Church is unique.
Perhaps you haven’t really done church in your life, or you have felt that you don’t quite fit into the typical church crowd. Maybe you have been burned by church experiences in the past or felt the sting of a judgmental group. Journey is for you! It’s where God meets people who are far from perfect. A place for people who long for authenticity and simplicity. We can bring our brokenness, our pain, our history, and our doubts, and experience a safe place where we can sort out authentic faith in Jesus Christ and experience it ourselves. As we take this journey, we will allow Him to heal, restore, and redeem us!
The impact of Covid, and the subsequent closing down of public gatherings in Colorado and across the country compelled churches everywhere to think outside the box and develop new methods and strategies to engage people online. To this day it is estimated that anywhere between half and three quarters of former church attenders have not gone back to in-person services. While Journey has previously met together with in-person services, our present strategy is to exclusively offer online services with the goal of reaching people who have determined that for whatever reason, they are more comfortable participating in worship services online. Services are presented “on demand”, rather than live-streaming, so that they can be watched in their entirety at any time during the month. Journey may resume in person services in the future.
We also provide a monthly online devotional called In Between, as well as other devotionals and helps for you to grow spiritually. Check out the Growing in Christ page.